F2H-3 Banshee by Geoff McDonell
The first jet fighter to serve with the Royal Canadian Navy, the F2H-3 Banshee began service with the RCN in 1956 as a front line all weather fighter, flying from the HMCS Bonaventure. It was capable of carrying early versions of the Sidewinder missile on underwing pylons to supplement the four 20mm cannons.
A total of 39 Banshees served with the RCN from 1956 to 1962. Two examples are preserved in Canada - one at the National Aeronautical Collection in Ottawa, and the other is with the Calgary Aerospace Museum. These walkaround photos are a selection of details from both the aircraft.
For more details on the RCN Banshees I highly recommend the book: Banshees in the Royal Canadian Navy, by Carl Mills, Banshee Publications Ltd. 1991. Click
on the Thumbnails to enlarge images. Images and Captions Copyright © 2001 by Geoff