The RCN used two basic styles of
service identifier on the Sea Fury. Both were to be seen
throughout the service life of the aircraft in the RCN,
although in later years other styles were also seen. The
size and style of the lettering was fairly consistent, but
the way the wording was broken down varied. This
illustration shows the two most commonly seen styles as
applied by RCN personnel and Canadian civilian contractors,
with the upper one being by far the most common.

The main styles of roundels used on RCN
Sea Furies throughout their service lives are illustrated

A: Royal Navy Type C (Type
C1 shown, with RCN maple leaf added)
B: Royal Navy Type D (with
RCN maple leaf added)
C: RCN standard roundel
used through mid-1952
D: RCN standard roundel
used after mid-1952
E: RCN standard roundel
with a variation of the maple leaf design
of many subtle variations on the leaf shape)
And just for fun, what if the
Hellcat, or even something more
potent had won out?