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A Hypothetical History
Skyhawk FG.2
in Fleet Air Arm Service Part Three


Skyhawk FG.2, Royal Navy Pegasus Aerobatic Team, Yeovilton, 1975

by Jennings Heilig

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The RN's magnificent Pegasus aerobatic team was equipped with nine Skyhawk FG.2s and one T.4 from 1967 through the unfortunate disbandment of the team in 1999.

The scheme shown is from the middle period of the team's life in 1975. The aircraft was overall glossy white, with Ident Red and Roundel Blue markings. Note the unique style of lettering & numbers for the team name and serial on the fuselage, and the team crest carried in the stripe on the nose section.

No external evidence of the Pegasus smoke generating system was visible, and they typically flew airshows with only the centerline pylon fitted.

Click here to go to Part One

Click here to go to Part Two

Text and Images Copyright © 2004 by Jennings Heilig
Page Created 04 August, 2004
Last updated 12 August, 2004

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