Tupolev Tu-2 Cockpit
DB603 Engine
SBD Dauntless Wing
at the Kermit Weeks Museum

by Scott Battistoni

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron
Here are some photos of a Tupolev Tu-2 cockpit area, a Daimler Benz DB-603 engine, and a SBD Dauntless wing still in original WWII paint.
These photos were taken at the Kermit Weeks museum in Polk City, Florida.
The Tu-2 cockpit is still in its original paint. It must be mentioned that there were Chinese characters around some of the instruments, so this Tu-2 must have flown with the Chinese AF.
The SBD wing is still in its original WWII paint. Note how horribly the US Insignia was masked off and painted. Also, when you weather the model, do not forget to weather the markings as well!

Here is some additional information about the Tu-2 cockpit photos in the thumbnail gallery below:
Tu2Bucket - this is the pilots seat bucket, note that it is a metal pan lined with leather.
Tu2Ext- self explanatory, but the use of wood is evident on the nose cap.
Tu2Gnsght-self explanatory, but note the color of the gunsight.
Tu2Lfp- This is looking at the left (port) front side of the cockpit.
Tu2lwrrtsd-This is looking at the right (starboard) side of the cockpit below the instrument panel.
Tu2Radio- This is the radio directly behind the pilots seat that the turret gunner/radioman would have used.
Tu2Rfp- This is the right (starboard) side of the pilot’s instrument panel.
Tu2Rtsidwll- This is the right (starboard) sidewall for the pilot.
Tu2seatbk- These are the details behind the pilot’s seat.
Tu2Yoke- Better detailed shot of the control yoke, notice the dark blue paint on the vertical column.
Please feel free to downbload these for personal use, but if you want to republish the photos in print or on the internet, please contact me for permission.
Text & Images Copyright © 2010 by Scott Battistoni
Page Created 27 August, 2010
Last Updated
27 August, 2010
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