Late-War Bf 109G/K in Detail
Part Two
Cowl Bulges for DB 605AS series & D Powered Bf 109s
Photographs via David Lake
Descriptions by Brett Green

Bf 109G-10
under restoration at Ft. Collins for the Evergreen Education Facility
Photo: Copyright © 1998 Evergreen Education Facility
and David Lake |
Part Two of "Messerschmitt Bf 109G/K in
Detail" remains focussed on the contentious area of the conformal bulge.
David Lake's photographs throw further light on this
interesting subject.
For background information and more images, go back to Part One.
h e P i c t o r i a l ( P a r t T w o ) . . . |
Image 1: Starboard
Engine Mount This image shows the starboard engine mount in place. Note
the relatively flat profile of the top of the starboard side engine bearer.
Other interesting details include the prominent casting mark on the exhaust
stacks, the plumbing and the rearward opening hatch at the bottom of the fuselage. |

Image 2: Port Side
Engine Bearer Now this is why the cowl is asymmetrical!
Note the very high profile of top of the port side engine bearer. Compare this
to the previous photograph. The starboard side bearer can just be made out in this photo,
almost hidden behind the MG feed.
This photo also has some good detail of the Revi gunsight, the control column
and cockpit instruments.
The cockpit is painted a very attractive but wildly inaccurate shade of gloss
light blue! |
Image 3: Port Side
Fuselage Fairing Detail shot of the port side fairing.
Note flush-rivet detail and panel lines. |

Image 4: Port Side
Engine Bearer The Port Side bearer has to make a pretty significant
journey around the supercharger, as illustrated by this photograph.
The supercharger intake is covered while the aircraft is being rebuilt.
We also have an excellent view of the ammunition feed for the MG 131 Cowl Guns. |
Image 5: Upper Cowl Even
though the cowl is slightly splayed, it can clearly be seen that the front of the cowl is
symmetrical and the rear is most definately not! |

Image 6: LowerCowl The
lower cowl is photographed upside-down with the front of the cowl at the bottom of the
This G-10 is equipped with the deep radiator. Later G-10s had a shallower, but
wider radiator.
The oval-shaped bumps can also be clearly seen. These are required for
additional clearance for the bigger cylinder head covers.

HyperScale visitors interested in the colours, markings and origins of another late-war
Bf 109 may wish to see the "Late-War Luftwaffe Fighter
Camouflage" series on this site. Part One examines
the origins and colours of Bf 109G-6 werknummer 163824, at the Treloar Technology
Centre of the Australian War Memorial.
Mermet, Jean-Claude, "The Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10", article on pages 22-27
of Luftwaffe Verband magazine, Issue Number 13, January 1998.
Mermet, Jean-Claude, date and ISBN not quoted. "Les Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-1 a K-4
- Moteurs et Amenagements". Self Published by the Author.
Evergreen Education Facility Web
Site - historical background on Wnr 610937
Photographs Copyright © 1998 by Evergreen Education Facility and David Lake
Text Copyright © 1998 by Brett Green
Page created on Saturday, October 31, 1998
This page last updated on Thursday, May 09, 2002
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